Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. AI- Knowledge representation – [Converting sentences to Prolog and Description Language ] NO CODING

This assignment has nothing to do with coding. iit is an AI assignment under the knowledge representation part. I provided 3 examples from the lecture notes that guide us to do the assignment.

The following sentences need to be written in two formats:

  • Prolog.
  • Description language.


The following sentences need to be written in two formats:

  • Prolog.
  • Description language.


  • Jerome is a frog.

In Prolog: frog(Jerome)

In Description Language: Jerome-> frog

  • Frog swim.

In Prolog: Swim(x):- frog(x)

In Description Language: frog ⊆ swim

  • Big fish eat frog

In Prolog: eat(X,Y):- fish(x), frog(Y), big(X)

In Description Language: [AND food[FILLS: size big]] ⊆[FILLS: foodType frog]

Or we may say in passive voice ( fish is a food eaten by big fish)

[AND food[FILLS:EatenBy[AND fish [FILLS:size big]]]

—————————————————————————-end of the examples———————————–

Now we come to the requirements of the assignment bellow:


For the first 17 use only the concept names** Vehicle, Boat, Motor, Car, Structure, Wheel, Engine, Hub, Rolling, Water Human, Driver, Adult, Child and predicate or role names hasPart, getPowerFrom, capableOf, movesOn, drives.


**For Prolog use lower case for these symbols and upper case for variables; for DL use upper case for Concept names (as above) and lower case for names of predicates.


Treat the first five as definitions (ie as both necessary and sufficient conditions).

  • Cars are vehicles with wheels and get power from an engine.
  • Bicycles are vehicles with wheels and get power from a human.
  • Boats are vehicles that move on water.
  • Wheels are structures that have a hub and are capable of rolling.
  • Drivers are humans who drive a vehicle.

Treat 6 to 13 as true, but not necessarily sufficient.

  • Boats do not have any wheels.
  • Cars and bicycles do not move on water.
  • Drivers of cars are adults.
  • Humans are not vehicles.
  • Neither wheels nor engines are human.
  • Humans are either adults or children.
  • Adults are not children.
  • A sportscar is a car with a big engine.

Treat 14-17 as assertions (facts).

  • Ralph drives a sportscar.
  • Ralph is human.
  • Ralph drives Boaty_McBoatface
  • Boaty_McBoatface is a vehicle that moves on water.

For 18 to 24, express these more complex statements using possibly multiple expressions. You should try to use the concepts and roles from Part 1 if you can, otherwise add new ones as needed (e.g., for “broken”).

18. Cars can have between three and four wheels.

19. Bicycles always have just two wheels.

20. A human who legally drives a car has a license and is an adult.

21. A vehicle is driven by exactly one human.

22. A car with a broken part is broken.

23. Ralph drives a sportscar with a wheel that has a broken hub.

24. Boaty_McBoatface is not broken.

Programming Homework Help

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