Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Examine the Actions of Company that Have Negatively Affected the Consumers

only original work accepted by the instructor

assignment 1

Deliverable Length: 5 paragraphs

Unfortunately, over the last several years, there have been many examples of illegal and unethical business dealings; some involved practicing unethical accounting processes, as well as situations that involved public figures from various genres caught performing various questionable activities. From a philosophical and theoretical point of view, do you feel that individuals holding positions of power or influence should be held to higher levels of accountability for their unethical actions or inactions?

Using the Internet and library, provide at least 2 examples of how corporations and individuals in positions of power and authority have acted unethically either by their actions or inactions.Regarding the incidences you found, do you feel the individuals should be held to a higher level of accountability based upon their real or perceived power and influence over others? Explain.

assignment 2

Deliverable Length: 950 words

There are many examples of how the actions of a company have negatively affected consumers. Product recalls, bans, and warning labels have helped to protect consumers and companies are focusing more today on social responsibility. Examine why has there been such a relatively high number of these incidences and what companies can do to protect consumers.

Assignment Guidelines:

  • What legal and ethical responsibilities do companies have to their customers?
  • Cite and discuss in detail two cases in which a company endangered customers because of the manufacture or design of their products. How did the company address the issue?
  • What consequences did the companies in the cited cases face and were these consequences warranted? Why or why not?

Compose your findings in a Word document (950 words), and be sure to cite your sources.

Other Homework Help

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