Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. American Public University System My Communication Competence Paper

• Identify someone who is at least 20 years older than you and ask the below listed questions:

◦ What technological device was popular when you were a teen?

◦ Did you have one; why or why not?

◦ What was the most popular song, television show, or movie when you were a teen?

◦ Which song, television show, or movie did you like the most when you were a teen; what memories do you have of that show, movie, or song?

◦ What were three (3) slang terms you used when you were a teen; what did they mean?

◦ What are two (2) main differences you notice in people from your generation and people from my generation?

◦ Describe a time you interacted with someone from a different race and/or country when you were a teen? Explain why this instance was memorable to you.

◦ These days, mental health and wellness is an important topic of conversation, what was important when you were younger?

◦ What are similarities you notice in people from your generation and people in my generation?

◦ What is a stereotype about people your age that is not true?

◦ What important lesson do you want people to learn about people in your generation?

◦ What do you think of people in my generation?

• Identify a different person from the first interviewee who is at least your age or older AND who has a different gender identification from you

◦ What are your thoughts about a man expressing emotions and a woman expressing emotions?

◦ What household responsibilities do you think a man should have but a woman should not?

◦ What household responsibilities do you think a woman should have but a man should not?

◦ What are the main differences between men and women when it comes to their roles, behaviors, and the way they communicate?

◦ What are similarities between men and women?

◦ What are two stereotypes about people in my gender?

◦ What are two stereotypes commonly associated with your gender?

◦ Tell me your perspective about these stereotypes (in what ways do you agree/disagree these stereotypes are true; why do you agree/disagree with these)?

◦ What do you think about the “#METOO” movement and how does it impact the way you interact with people from a different gender in a professional/social setting?

◦ What is the best way to communicate with someone from your gender?

◦ What do you think is the best way to communicate with someone from my gender?

Write a 5 – 7 page paper analyzing YOUR Communication Competence during this conversation.

• Summarize the information you acquired from your interviews.

• Briefly indicate who the people are you interviewed; describe the type of relationship (e.g., Friend, family member, romantic relationship, work relationship – Do NOT include the interviewees’ names).

• Describe the type of listening in which you engaged during this conversation.

• What new information did you learn from this person based on the questions you asked?

• Name the specific generational cohort to which your interviewees belongs who was has a 20 year difference from you (refer to Chapter 6 in our Top Hat Textbook).

• Find two (2) different sources on the internet that describes behaviors common to that generational cohort that you did not know prior to this assignment.

• Find two (2) different sources on the internet that describes communication behaviors common to the person of an opposite gender from you that you did not know before taking this course.

• Explain how learning this information from the internet helps you to enhance your interpersonal communication competence with people who are from different generational identities and different gender identities (***indicating it does not is an insufficient response and will not receive credit).

After reading this source in more detail about Intercultural Communication Competence, respond to the following prompts:

• Discuss the type of Motivation driving your conversations (read chapter 8, section 4 to provide a thorough response).

• Discuss Mindfulness in relation to this conversation; what you already knew about each person and things you learned about the each person (or their experiences) during the conversation.

• Discuss Cognitive Flexibility; in what two ways could each conversation help you to prevent developing stereotypes and prejudices about people in a different age group and gender?

• Discuss Tolerance for Uncertainty: your attitude toward learning something new about each person (did you convince yourself you already knew all there was to know about the person), provide details about the stereotypes questions and what you learned from the person.

There should be more details from the text about each component of cultural communication competence. For example, there are two factors that can influence motivation; select the motivational factor and indicate how it is a reason to motivate intercultural communication competence.

Remember to comply with APA citation standards including:

Title page

Five (5) in-text citations from five different sources

References page with the five (5) different sources

Other Homework Help

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