Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. University of Texas Time People Spend on Social Media a Day Research Paper


1.Identify your Research Question

How much time man and women spend on social media a day?

2.Create at least 1 testable hypothesis from your Research Question

Does women spend more time on social media than man?

3.Gather data using a research study

4.Test each hypothesis using the appropriate statistical technique

  • Present your results as a PowerPoint presentation, along with underlying spreadsheets

You may use one of three techniques (must do ALL THREE for extra credit):

1.Chapter 9 – Use a stated mean or proportion value and test against a sample.

Show p-values (and confidence interval for test of mean)

NOTE: Using this technique requires you to find an on-line source (cited) which states an existing mean or proportion against which you will test your sample.

Mean – scale or interval variable

Proportion – binary variable (group membership)

(Minimum 100 observations)

2.Chapter 10 – Use two samples and compare the distributions using a t-test

Show Confidence Interval and p-Values

Show graphically as two histograms with the same X and Y axes (one above, one below)

Mean – scale or interval variable

(Minimum 25 observations per group; minimum 50 in total)

3.Chapter 12 – Use simple linear regression to determine the impact of one variable upon another.

Show results using a Scatterplot with slope, intercept and R2 value

Dependent and Independent – scale or interval variables

(Minimum 30 observations: Dependent v. Independent)

The output of your study will be a PowerPoint presentation and spreadsheets, covering the following items:

1.Your name, the study title, and your Research Question

2.The testable hypotheses and statistical method for testing

3.A summary of your data (descriptive statistics) and how it was gathered (source)

4.Results of your statistical tests and comparison with the prior study (as applicable)

5.Summary of results to the general question

  • Excel spreadsheet with your raw data and statistical analysisUpload your study (PPT and Excel) materials to the Semester Project Canvas assignment by the due date

Mathematics Homework Help

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