Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Please consider posting 40 hours below. Thanks.

Capstone project & Spss ,Editing or proofreading

I filtered the Excel file so that you have all the types of smoking = current, frequent and ever and I filtered this data out so that you have only Youth cigarette smoking. Not smokeless tobacco.

I ran the data two ways: first looking at raw data numbers in relation to differences in gender and education (middle school and high school) and the only ones that were significantly different were in education. I also ran the data value = percent and found statistical significance at the education level not gender.

So, you can put this data into my paper and discuss and then seek out in the literature what types of smoking cessation methods are working in relation to telehealth and mobile health apps that are effective

re-tasting data using SPSS and get now result,

Mathematics Homework Help

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