Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Inferring properties of a polynomial function from its graph

Below is a graph of a polynomial function ƒ with real coefficients. Use graph to answer following questions about ƒ.  All local extreme of ƒ are shown on graph.

a. the  function ƒ is decreasing over which intervals? choose all that apply  1. (-∞,-4) 2. (-4,-2) 3. (-2,2) 

4. (-4,2) 5. (8,∞)

b. the function ƒ has local minima at which x-value?  If more than one value, separate with commas

c. What is the sign of the leading coefficient of ƒ? positive, negative or not enough info.

d.  Which of the following is a possibility for the degree of ƒ?   Choose all that apply.

a. 4, b. 5, c. 6 d. 7, e. 8, f. 9

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