Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. I need a hypotheses, introduction, Significance of Proposed Study​, Purpose of the Proposed Study​, method section complete, complete powerpoint.

The purpose of this study is to explore the different barriers to green card naturalization that make immigrants in the United States Virgin Islands to keep their green cards as they are rather than naturalizing them to gain permanent American citizenship. The study will be conducted through the use of interviews and questionnaires, with its main goal being to increase the amount of knowledge on the existing as well as the emerging barriers to green card naturalization that Caribbean immigrants in the US Virgin Islands face on a daily basis whenever they attempt to acquire permanent American citizenship through naturalization.

Research Topic: (Barriers to Naturalization for green-cardholders in the United States virgin islands who desire to naturalize)

I will be focusing on persons who have their green cards for 5-10 year green-card holders and would not naturalize. find out what their barriers are. perhaps education, low income etc.

(what are the reasons people do not naturalize, and what are most common barriers. Have you applied, do you want to naturalize, what is preventing you from naturalizing)

I need a hypotheses, Significance of Proposed Study, Purpose of the Proposed Study, method section complete.

the powerpoint attached needs to be completed as well.

I am going to be investigating a population of green card holders from the US Virgin Islands. The participants will come from the Virgin Islands because most of the population in these regions consist of green card holders looking to achieve permanent US citizenship after the naturalization of their green cards (“United States Virgin Islands – Citizenship, Emigration, Immigration & Nationality,” 2018). The participant age range will be between 18-60 years. They will include different ethnicities, especially the immigrants, who don’t have English as their primary language, with a middle class economic status and a high school education level; and have moved to the US Virgin Islands from their home countries seeking permanent residence and US citizenship. Those immigrants who have English as their primary language and higher education levels will be left out because they might have lived in the US for more than five years, achieved enough education to climb the economic ladder and therefore avoid some of the major barriers to Green Cards naturalization.

Mathematics Homework Help

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