Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Use R to make a mini project for “Advanced Statistical Methods for Research”… this is the link for textbook

You may work with other students to complete the assignment, but each student needs to turn in
his or her own work (e.g., it is ok to discuss how to write the code to solve a question, but it is not
ok to copy and paste each other’s code). Show all work to receive full credit. For questions that ask
you to calculate something, I need to see the full calculation, not just the answer. Note that the
“calculation” will often (almost always) be done using code, so I would need to see the code that
leads up to and produces the final answer. Similarly, for questions that require software to perform
an analysis or generate a plot, I need to see the R code that produced the results. You may attach
relevant R code as an Appendix at the end of the assignment, or include the code as part of your
answer to the question that the code supports.

You should upload your assignment solution as a single pdf to the “Assignments” section of our
course in Canvas. Click on the name of the assignment, then click the “Submit Assignment” button,
then upload the file containing your solution, then click “Submit Assignment” a final time. The
filename should be in the format LastName_FirstName_ProjectNumber.pdf. For example, if I was
submitting the assignment, I would name it poythress_jc_proj1.pdf.

Mathematics Homework Help

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