Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. solve the questions below? multiple choice questions

ʃ f(x)n f’(x)dx=[nf(x)](n +1)/(n+1) + c


d[f(x)]n/dx= n[f(x)]n -1 f’(x) and df(x)/dt=(df(x)/dx)•(dx/dt)


Your company produces smart-phone covers and finds that its cost functions is C(x)=100 x1/2 +200. The marginal average cost is

50x-3/2 — 200x-2 .


The 1st derivative of the function f(x) = (x + x2)1/4 is (1/4)(x + x2) (-3/4) (1+2x).


d[f(x) g(x)]/dx= f’(x)/ g’(x)


The integral ʃx2 dx/(x2-1) can be evaluated using the substitution u=x2-1.


Suppose the rate of growth of bacteria in a Petri dish is given by q(t) = 42t, where t is given in hours and q(t) is given in thousands of bacteria per hour. If a culture starts with 20,000 bacteria, find a function Q(t) that gives the number of bacteria in the Petri dish at any time t.

42t/(ln4) + 20000

4t/(2ln4) + 19999.64

42t/(2ln4) + 20000

42t/(2ln4) + 19999.64


ʃ [f’(x)/f(x)]dx=ln│f(x)│+ c


d[af(x)]/dx=af(x) ln(a)


Suppose the demand q and price p for a certain commodity are related by the linear equation q(p)=240p – 2p2.The elasticity of demand is

E(p) = p/(120 p)


ʃ ef(x) f’(x)dx=ef(x( + c


d[ln f(x)]/dx= f’(x)/f(x)


The unit price p and the quantity demanded q of a certain product are related by the equation p = − 2q + 10. The elasticity of demand E(p) is:

p/(10 — p)

(p — 10)/p

p/(p — 10)

p/(400 — p


A manufacturer determines that his total cost function is C(q)=4q3 – q + 1. Where q is the number of units produced. Find the level of output at which the average cost is minimized.






Given E(p) = p/(120 — 2p). At what price is the elasticity of demand equal to 1?

Mathematics Homework Help

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