Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. SPSS Assignment Discussion

Complete Teton Grand assignment where z scores of student information are determined from a
set of data.

Calculate the z scores for a set of student data for Teton Grand. You will do this using the FINAL

Teton Grand is interested in hiring a statistician intern for the summer and would like an
explanation of the purpose and use of z scores using a sample of their actual data. Your
assignment should be a training to help them understand how to calculate z scores. This can be
in a video format, presentation, or step-by-step handout. It must be client ready, professionally
formatted, and easy to understand.

The assignment must clearly indicate how you transformed Teton Grand’s data into z scores and
must also include an attachment of the dataset after you have transformed it. If creating a video,
length should be approximately 5-10 minutes. If creating a presentation, the length should be
approximately 10-15 slides. Your submission should adhere to the APA format and guidelines (i.e.
citing sources appropriately, including references and using APA formatted tables to show data).

Post your assignment as well as a brief abstract in the discussion thread to the discussion board
highlighting why z scores are used and are useful for analyzing data. Please be sure that you are
posting in a client-ready format, using professional and appropriate language for talking to an

Your presentation can be created using PowerPoint, Prezi or any other multimedia tool, but it must

be viewable by anyone in the class. As your instructor and classmates will most likely be a mix of

Windows and Macs user, you must export your presentation as a video and upload it to your

media. If you use Prezi, you can post a link to the presentation.

PowerPoint (Windows Users):




Keynote (Mac Users):


Sharing with Prezi:…


Mathematics Homework Help

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