Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. CUNY Medgar Evers Statistics Questions

I’m working on a statistics test / quiz prep and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

1)The following scenario is an example of what type of sampling?

A single candy bar is pulled at the Mars plant for nutritional content testing out of every 300th batch of Snickers selected.

A) Cluster sampling

B) Simple Random sampling

C)Convenience sampling

D) Stratified sampling E Systematic sampling

2)Is the following variable categorical, quantitative, or ordinal?

The “hot” scale for peppers

A) Categorical B) Quantitative C) Ordinal

3) If two events are independent, how do you calculate the probability of an “or” in the probability question?

A) Bayes’ Theorem

B) Add the two individual probabilities

C) Multiply the two probabilities

D) Use a Gantt chart

4) In a game show, a board with 30 spaces has prizes behind each space. The prizes have the following frequencies: 6 toasters, 1 car, 8 vacations, 10 dinner gift cards, and 5 empty soda cans. What is the probability of selecting a door with anything except a soda can?

A) 16 B) 0.833 C) 0.267 D) 0.533

5) What is the difference between the distribution of X and the distribution of x-bar?

A) One is the first sample; the other is all subsequent samples

B) The distribution of x is the population distribution, and the distribution of x-bar is the distribution of sample means

C) There is no difference

6) The following scenario is an example of what type of sampling?

The police department is starting to pay attention to their tickets to warnings ratio. So, they grab all of the patrol officers from the briefing area and ask them what they think the ratio is on their shift.

Cluster sampling

Simple Random sampling

Convenience sampling

Stratified sampling

Systematic sampling

7) Is the following variable categorical, quantitative, or ordinal?

The state you live in




8) Which of the following is not a rule of probability?

All probabilities are between 0 and 1

Probability of an event can change depending on the outcome of a previous event

The probability of an event not happening is 1 – the probability of the event happening

The total probability of all possible outcomes is 1

9) If x = 270, mu = 225, and the z-score is 1.5, what is sigma?





10) The following scenario is an example of what type of sampling?

People in Europe get asked whether they agree with a new monetary policy for the Euro. Twenty-two countries will participate in the survey, and the number of people surveyed in each country is proportional to the population in that country. That is, more populous countries will have a larger number of participants than less populated countries.

Cluster sampling

Simple Random sampling

Convenience sampling

Stratified sampling

Systematic sampling

More than one type of sampling, or unknown

11) Is the following variable categorical, quantitative, or ordinal?

blood type




12) What does the word “random” mean?

A) All subjects have an equal probability of being chosen

B) I can say anything I want, whether it is on the topic or out of left field

C) Someone has unpredictable behavior

D) Aimless

13) If you have a population with a mu of 55 and a sigma of 21, what is the standard deviation of the distribution of x-bar if your sample size is 22?

A) 1.89

B) 4.48

C) 7.59

D) 21

E) 22

14) For a distribution whose mean is 320 and sigma is 14, what is the probability of randomly selecting a single value of less than 317 or greater than 323?

A) 0.4153

B) 0.5000

C) 0.8305

D) 1.0000

15) Look at the following situation, and determine which best describes the data conversion.

Using a stopwatch, a teacher measures the time it takes for each student’s paper airplane to hit the ground after being dropped from the top of the bleachers. After counting 140 drops, the teacher reports the results in the following groups: “like a rock,” “got lucky because of an updraft,” and “would make Orville and Wilbur proud.”

Quantitative to categorical

Categorical to quantitative

Both of the above

Neither of the above

16) You roll three 6-sided dice. If exactly two of the dice show 5, what is the probability that the total is 11 or less?

A) 0.180

B) 0.200

C) 0.250

D) 0.285

17) When rolling a 6 sided die, what is the probability of rolling an even number or a number greater than or equal to 4?

A) 1/6 B) 2/6 C) 3/6 D) 4/6 E) 5/6 F) 6/6

18) What is the purpose of creating a confidence interval?

A) It gives you a feel of where the true mean of a population is

B) It is an exercise to frustrate and confuse students

C) It builds up a student’s confidence for future questions

D) It provides a little bit of leeway for rounding errors during calculations

19) The following scenario is an example of what type of sampling?

A new testing method is being investigated at Timpview high school. The investigation evaluates the students in both 3rd period American History class and the 5th-period Geography class.

Cluster sampling B) Simple Random sampling C) Convenience sampling D) Stratified sampling E)Systematic sampling

20) For a given sample size and sigma, which is wider: the 90% confidence interval or the 95% confidence interval?


The 90% confidence interval, because there is less confidence, so there is more uncertainty


They are the same


The 95% confidence interval, because there is more confidence so that the interval will be bigger


It varies, depending on the sample size

21) If a parent distribution has a mean of 160 and a standard deviation of 24, and you create a distribution of x-bar using samples of size 16, what are the mean and standard deviation of your distribution


Mean = 160, standard deviation = 24


Mean = 160, standard deviation = 6


Mean = 10, standard deviation = 24


Mean = 10, standard deviation = 16


Mean = 10, standard deviation = 6

22) What data type(s) does a Bar Graph take?






Categorical and Continuous

23) What data type(s) does a Line Graph take?






Categorical and Continuous

24) What data type(s) does a Box Plot take?






Categorical and Continuous

25) What data type(s) does a Scatter Plot take?

A) Categorical

B) Continuous

C) Categorical and Continuous

26) What is the alternative hypothesis for an Independent Chi-Square?


There is no difference between the means


There is a difference between the means


The row and column variables are not related


The row and column variables are related

27) You run an Independent Chi-Square and get a p value of .90. How would you interpret this finding?

A) Accept the null hypothesis, since p is greater than .05.

B) Accept the alternative hypothesis, since p is greater than .05

28) What is the z-score if mu = 72 and sigma = 18?




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