Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Math 132 1019 – 2021 Fall Section 4.3

I need your help specifically on part B,C, and D

I think for B it could be A=(6000,2000) B=(8000,2000) C=(6000,4000) or or or the one below.

I think C can be (6000,2000) or (1500,500) or the one below.

I think D can be $880 or $940 or the one below


A woman has up to $10000$10000 to invest. Her broker suggests investing in two bonds: Bond AA , and Bond B.B. Bond AA is a rather risky bond with an annual yield of 10%10% and bond BB is a rather safe bond with an annual yield of 7%7%. After some consideration, she decides to invest at most $6000$6000 in bond AA , and invest at least $2000$2000 in bond B.B. Moreover, she wants to invest at least as much in bond AA as in bond B.B. She wishes to maximize her annual yield.

a) In each blank box below, select the best answer from the list that helps complete the objective function and its associated constraint inequalities. Please note that the option <= indicates , and the option >= indicates .

R=R= A+A+ BB

A+A+ BB 1000010000

AA 60006000

BB 20002000


b) Use the geometric approach (with AA placed on the x-axis and BB on the y-axis) to determine the coordinates of the corner points of the solution region. Then, select the answer from this list:

c) Which of the feasible corner points you selected in part (b) above maximizes the objective function? Note that a feasible corner point is any corner point with at least one non-zero coordinate. Select the answer from this list:

d) What is the maximum yield?

Mathematics Homework Help

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