Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Comparison on Calculus of Real and Complex Numbers

The aim of this objective is to compare complex complex valued functions(with one complex variable) with their real valued (with one or two real variables) functions.

– Check with some fundamental functions such as complex exponential functions.

– Look into the the real valued with two-real variables functions encountered in the studying complex functions.

– Look into graphing a real and complex function.

– Compare linear (real and complex) functions, linear approximation of a real and of a complex function and their meanings (use CAS to compare the images of some explicitlydefinedsetsunderthecomplexfunctionandunderitslinearapproximation).

– Check withmulti-valuedfunctions, lookalso into theirgraphs (for examplecomplex power function, complex logarithm function, complex exponential function)

– Check also if all the properties of real powers work also for complex powers.

– Check with trigonometric functions.

– Check with the inversion function, see that it can map lines to circles and it can be reversed.

– Check from the limit of a function perspective.

– Check from the continuous function perspective(for example in the real case we say there should not be any jumps, do we have the same observation in the complex case?).

Write a report on Obj. #2, about 8−9 pages with proper citations, and on a separate page(s) the references (only the ones used in the report), in an MS Word file.

I put report on Obj. #1. You may wanna look at it since report on Obj. #2 is going to be the next report.

Mathematics Homework Help

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