Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. 4 Algebra questions need help urgent!!

1) A file that is 229 megabytes is being downloaded. If the download is 13.8% complete, how many megabytes have been downloaded? Round your answer to the nearest tenth.

The next model of a sports car will cost

less than the current model. The current model costs

 . How much will the price decrease in dollars? What will be the price of the next model?

Decrease in price:


Price of next model:

3) The sets F and H are defined as follows. F={x|x>2}    H={x|x≤9}

Write FUH and F∪H using interval notation. If the set is empty, write .

4) Rewrite the set F by listing its elements. Make sure to use the appropriate set notation.

is an integer and

Mathematics Homework Help

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