Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Project 2: Book Cover


The purpose of this project is to demonstrate your understanding of the following course concepts:

1. How to work with type.
2. How to work with grading tools.
3. How to work with the pen tool.
4. How to work with layers and layer masks.


You were hired to design the cover of an art book. You are going to select a photo of your choice, and you are going to turn it into a painting. You can check the Read & Watch content for Weeks 5 and 6 to get information about how to do that. You can also search the Web, where you will be able to find many examples on how you can transform a photo into a painting. The image at the right shows a very simple example of the exercise. Its purpose is to give you an idea of what I am looking for. Please do not duplicate this design. Use your creativity to come up with a unique design.

book cover


Please complete the following tasks:
1. Select a photo(s) and turn it into a painting.
2. Use at least two of these tools in your design: grading, pen, layer masks, or filters.
3. Add appropriate text (come up with an original book cover title).
4. Create layers for different elements in the design. The layers should be kept in the PSD file. You cannot merge the layers before submitting them.

NOTE 1: In order to prevent the issue with limited file submission size of LEO, you can upload the files to google drive, one drive, or Dropbox and share the folder for the project with me, and submit the link as a part of your submission.

Book Cover Document Setup
Width: 5 inches
Height: 7 inches
Resolution: 300 Pixels/Inch
Page Orientation: Portrait (Tall)
Color Mode: CMYK

Please submit the following to your Assignments Folder:
1. The original image file(s).
2. The completed Photoshop (.PSD) file.
PLEASE do not merge the layers together!
3. A JPEG (.JPG) version of the completed project.
5. Include all of the fonts used.
6. Submit a Project Reflection (see details below):

Answer the following questions when you submit your assignments files.

1. What is your book about and how does the colors, fonts used, and overall design reflect the subject matter and theme of your book?
2. Where did you find your image(s) (include URL if image was downloaded from the Internet)?
3. What modifications did you make to the image(s) (describe what you did to complete the assignment)?
4. What software applications did you use to complete your project?
5. What fonts did you use to complete your project?
6. What issues or challenges did you face completing this project?

Please submit your Project Reflection as a Microsoft Word document or just copy and paste your answers in your Assignments Folder’s text box when you submit your assignment along with the rest of the required project files.

If completing this assignment was not much of a challenge for you, consider completing the Advanced Challenge below:

1. Place your book cover into a realistic photograph using perspective or skew to create a realistic scene (a suggestion would be a library, book store, or a book signing).


Late Penalty: There is no late penalty for this project. You can submit (and resubmit) this assignment until the end of Week 7, Sunday 11:59PM ET. The Assignments Folder will then be closed and you will not be able to to physically submit (or resubmit) the assignment for a grade.

Exceptions may be allowed, on a case-by-case basis, for life situations (military deployment, medical illness, death in the family, etc). In all cases, timely notification of a “life situation” is critical to the approval of any extensions. All exceptions must be accompanied by official documentation, which is subject to inspection and approval. Work load, course load, vacations, or bad memory are not acceptable excuses.

Running Close to the Deadline?: Please do not wait until the last minute to submit your assignment. Give yourself at least a 5-hour window to account for any technical difficulties that might arise. If you experience technical difficulties beyond your control that do not allow you to successfully complete the assignment, immediately follow the steps below:

Step 1: Contact UMGC 360 Help and Support. Inform them off the problem you are having. Get a problem ticket number from them to document the situation.
Step 2: E-mail me ASAP and include a description of the problem you are having and your problem ticket number from 360 Help and Support, so I can investigate the situation.
Step 3: Attempt to attach your assignment to a message to me inside of LEO.
Step 4: E-mail the assignment to me.

This project is worth 25 points or 25% of your total grade for the course.

You will lose points for issues such as: not following directions, not submitting your work on time, and failure to include all required elements. Each omission will result in a partial point deduction.

To complete this project and receive full credit, you must submit your completed presentation to your Assignments Folder unless you encounter problems–discussed above).

Please make sure you keep a copy of your project stored on your computer. Technical difficulties do happen–you may need to resubmit your assignment for a number of reasons. It is always a good policy to CYA!

Please contact me in advance if you are having problems understanding what is required of you.

UMGC has strict policies regarding turning in work that is not 100% your own creation. I will enforce these policies.

It is your responsibility to make sure you have posted your assignment CORRECTLY! Once you have posted your assignment, immediately attempt to view it, just to make sure your post was accepted by LEO, that it is formatted correctly, and you have posted the correct file.

Originally designed by Alberto Fernandez. Used with his permission.

NOTE 2: You will be held responsible for posting your assignments correctly so make sure you double-check that your assignment has been submitted by revisiting the assignment folder and trying to view your submissions.

Mathematics Homework Help

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