Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Predict Birthrate

Create a 3- to 4-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation including:

  • One slide on your topic and scenario (approximately 1 minute)
    • Introduce the topic and scenario you selected.
    • Explain why you are interested in the topic and scenario you chose.
  • One to two slides of your visuals (approximately 2 to 3 minutes)
    • These should be clear, neat, organized, and labeled.
    • Explain why either the linear model or the exponential model is better for predicting future results. In your explanation, include the significance of the R2 value and how the R2 value influenced the model you chose.
    • Explain how your visuals support your conclusion.
  • One slide for a conclusion (approximately 1 minute)
    • Restate your topic and scenario and give your findings for the scenario.
    • Discuss how your topic and scenario relates to a real-world scenario.
    • Discuss what you learned from this project.
  • Include detailed speaker notes for each slide.
  • One of the slides should include Choose the regression equation from your plot you indicated and use it to forecast a future year ( 2018) and predict birthrate for that year .

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Mathematics Homework Help

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