Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. MAT210 – Introduction to Statistics & Data Analysis

MAT210 – Introduction to Statistics & Data Analysis

Dear students,

Please read the following information about your group assignment carefully.

Assignment Details:

It’s time to get a bit more practical, and teach your classmates about the knowledge you gain throughout the process!

You will form groups of 4 students and work on a real-life statistical issue, preparing a report on your findings and presenting these to your classmates! How cool is that?! 🙂

Here are what you need to include in your report, and in your presentation:

You will need to find a series of unique business, social, marketing or finance question using different statistical concepts, for which public data is available. You DON’T want to go with only two variables, studying the impact of one on the other, that’s not going to be a good, extensive analysis… You have to work with several different variables and ideally, you’d present the descriptive (statistical) characteristics of each of them. You might want to form confidence intervals for the characteristics of these variables using the methods we have learned. You would then to form different hypotheses for each of these variables and use the tools we have learned to test your hypotheses. You certainly need to choose variables so that you could do regression analyses, either simple or multiple, to extend your analysis on relationships between these variables.

Topics required in your report and presentation would be:

  • What question are you seeking to answer
  • Description of data and variables used
  • Methodology
  • Calculations
  • Conclusions


Each group will prepare a report of 2,000 to 4,000 words, plus a presentation to be delivered in class. You will, basically, teach what you’ve learned and analyized to the whole class, and the strength of your delivery will be important as well.

The deadline for submitting the report as well as the presentation files is on Monday Apr 19th at 11:59pm.

On the last 4 sessions of the term, each group will present their work separately, educating the rest of us about the case they’ve covered. Please have in mind that this is an important part of the course’s material and everyone’s presence is compulsory. Every group will have the same deadline for submitting the report and the presentation files (just one submission per group is required of course). I will then randomly assign the timeslots for presentations.

Each group will have 20 minutes to present, plus 5 minutes for Q&As.

I will of course further elaborate on the points above in class.

All the best


Item Weight/100 Description of a “full-mark” work
Description of the question(s) and the variables 15 Brief but adequate explanation of the businsses, social, marketing or finance question(s) which you have decided to explore. Why you think this is an interesting issue to explore using statistics and statistical tools and how these tools would be helpful, what data you have decided to use for your analyses, what your sources of data have been, etc.
Presenting the data and deescriptive characteristics 25 Presenting all the variables you have used in your project and collected data on. For each of these, discussing what type of variable is this? What are the descriptive statistics and the distribution of the variable? Visual presentation of the distribution using various tools from charts to tables to box-plots wherever appropriate. Also looking at the relationship and co-movements between these variables.
Hypotheses tested 20 Forming some hypotheses around different variables used in the research, testing for these hypotheses using the relevant tools we have studied in class, presenting the results and making conclusions.
Exploring the relationships 25 Running regressions, presenting the results and analyzing and interpreting the results in full.
Conclusions and discussions 15 Making a conclusion about your findings overall, and reflecting on what you have learned from this assignment


Some Rubric (1) (1)

Some Rubric (1) (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFull MarkAn “A” level presentation will have all of these features. -> An introduction explaining what you set out to do -> A list of reasonable and relevant assumptions -> Justify your approach (commentary/calculations) -> Explain why you selected this or these statistical tools. -> Is your sample representative? -> Do you differentiate between Population and Sample and do you us the appropriate formula? -> You provide an answer to the question which is an agreement with everything you have written and calculated -> You suggest how, having had more time and other resources, you would improve on your approach. –> Presentation is well designed –> The speakers are in control of their material (no errms, no awkward transitions)

100 pts


An “A” level presentation will have all of these features. -> An introduction explaining what you set out to do -> A list of reasonable and relevant assumptions -> Justify your approach (commentary/calculations) -> Explain why you selected this or these statistical tools. -> Is your sample representative? -> Do you differentiate between Population and Sample and do you us the appropriate formula? -> You provide an answer to the question which is an agreement with everything you have written and calculated -> You suggest how, having had more time and other resources, you would improve on your approach. –> Presentation is well designed –> The speakers are in control of their material (no errms, no awkward transitions)

80 pts


This presentation has some of the characteristics of an A presentation but The question is not original, it has been covered in class or seeks to replicate something already published. In addition, some features are either missing or are not as comprehensive as in an A level presentation. The team presenting does not perform flawlessly, some errms, awkward transitions.

70 pts


This presentation shows confusion or/and incoherence in its approach. Many steps are missing and it is not clear what the presentation is about. In addition: The answer may not be clear and/or not in agreement with the data produced. The students confuses some of the concepts The students uses the wrong formula.

60 pts


Team has not rehearsed, the content seem to have been put together at the last moment. Little or no explanation. A few concepts are mentioned, without coherence. Hardly any data is collected and manipulated. Incoherent question and/or conclusions.

100 pts

Total Points: 100

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