Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Young people not in education, employment or training (NEET), UK: May 2020 Outcomes Assessed:

The following learning outcomes are assessed in this task:

1. Use descriptive statistical methods to analyse data using a relevant software package and interpret the outcomes in relation to context

2. Accurately present data in visual form (tables, graphs and charts) using appropriate software.

3. Understand and apply statistical theory to gather, process and present data accurately using a range of techniques appropriate to their field of study.

4. Critically assess descriptive, predictive and visual statistics from a range of sources with reference to statistical theory best practice

Assessment Task Instructions:

Core Task:

You are required to write a 1000 word report using statistics to investigate a topic of your choice. You should choose a topic and provide a list of research questions that you wish to address through collection of appropriate data. You should then present this data using a variety of graphical methods and describe any patterns you observe. This should then be used to draw conclusions relevant to your research questions. The validity and reliability of your conclusions should be discussed.


· State the topic that you are investigating.

· State at least 3 research questions relating to this topic that you will be attempting to answerusing statistical methods.

· Collect appropriate secondary data to address each of your research questions and present it in tabular or other suitable form. It is suggested that you use data from the UK’s Office for National Statistics ( Ensure that you provide a citation for all data and include a list of reference sources at the end of your report.

· Use a suitable software package (e.g. MS Excel) and a range of appropriate graphical techniques to display your data. Your report should include at least 3 graphs of at least 2 different types. All graphs must be produced by you and MUST NOT be copied from reference sources.

· Describe any patterns you observe and perform calculations of relevant quantities where appropriate.

· Use your data to draw relevant conclusions addressing your research questions.

· Evaluate the validity and reliability of your conclusions.

Theory and/or task resources required for the assessment:

A link to the Office for National Statistics website is provided ( No further resources are needed however other suitable sources for your data are permitted.

Assessment reference style:

Citations and a reference list should be included using the Harvard APA style.

Expected word count:

You are expected to write 1000 words (+/-10%).

Mathematics Homework Help

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