Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. 2 Business law questions – 200 words each – no formal paper format required We explored Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution. The creators of intellectual property have som

2 Business law questions – 200 words each – no formal paper format required

We explored Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution. The creators of intellectual property have some protection. Explain what you view as threats to intellectual property in today’s world economy. What are some examples where intellectual property is threatened? What are some protections in place to give creators of intellectual property some protection? 

We stated real property or “realty” is land and everything permanently attached to it. That seems like a simple concept. Explain how the idea of mineral rights can impact you as a business person. Include information from our Lesson and your personal experience.

Law Homework Help

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