Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. M3.1: Discussion: Mental Health Abroad

This assignment is a continuation of your association with your foreign (Australia) contact.

For this engagement, you will discuss how mental health issues are handled in your foreign contact’s country.

Before you continue, please watch the following video:


There are three steps required for this assignment. First, you will conduct an interview via e-mail with your contact (Ms. Amelia Smith (from Module 1.

Conduct your interview following the steps below:

  • Create a written list of at least ten (10) questions for the contact.
  • Reach out to your contact to conduct the interview via e-mail.
  • Thank the interviewee for their time and answers.

After you have conducted the interview, take some time to review and analyze the contact’s responses. Then, post the following to the discussion board:

  • Provide a short summary of the interview.
  • Identify two (2) methods of dealing with mental health issues in the contact’s country. Compare those methods with methods in the United States and discuss the similarities and differences.
  • What one quote of your interviewed global law enforcement member do you think is significant enough to share?

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