Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. ISS 3130 Florida International University Fundamentals of National Security Discussion

The Middle East continues to draw global attention with ongoing conflicts in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia and Iran, the two regional powerhouses, are in their own “Cold War,” supporting militias and extremist organizations across the region to undermine each other’s interests. With U.S. forces and interests across the region, the Intelligence Community closely monitors any developments and assesses that the most immediate threats of regional interstate conflict in 2018, come from North Korea and Saudi-Iranian use of proxies in their rivalry.

Student outline for posting:

  • Watch this week’s video:
  • Explain WHY Iran and Saudi Arabia are involved in their own “Cold War”
    • First paragraph
  • Assess HOW the “Cold War” between Iran and Saudi Arabia impacts U.S. National Security
    • Second paragraph

Citing Sources:

During every discussion post, students will do APA style in-text citations, and follow the template below to source information used to justify their analysis.

Website OR News outlet name; Date of report; Title of report

For example:

The Washington Post; 14 AUG 18; Venezuela arrests 2 military officers over ‘assassination attempt’ against Maduro.

Law Homework Help

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