Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Must have read the book “Educated” by Tara Westover

Argumentative Response to Tara Westover’s Educated

Writing Goal: to develop an ability to enter complex, many-sided conversations by expressing interesting thoughts and mastering an inventory of rhetorical moves.

Prompt: After reading Educated by Tara Westover, please use these “They Say, I Say “templates to write an argumentative response. Take a claim (re: EDUCATION, FAMILY, PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, BELIEF OR FAITH or BEING A WOMAN) that Tara Westover asserts in her book and agree/disagree/ or state your response somewhere in between using the below color-coded rhetorical moves. You must use at least three specific quotes from the book. Feel free to use this template by adding sentences at any part. Do not simply fill in the blanks below; the template is merely a guide for expressing the words of others (Tara Westover) and incorporating your own words. Your two-paragraph essay MUST BE COLOR-CODED. color coding is very specific and will be provided at the bottom of the assigment.

Humanities Homework Help

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