Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. 2 Journals (Discussions) every week

For this question, I need help with 2 Journals(Discussions) every week, such as Assignment 1 and Assignment 2.

Every week there will be two kinds of assignments, mostly the format is the same.

And I’m looking for a tutor who can work with me for a month (8 assignments).

I’ve uploaded assignments 1,2,3, and 4 to help you how the assignments look like, so it will be two weeks of assignments.

Assignments 1 and 2 is due February 1st at 6 am (PST)

assignments 3 and 4 will be due on February 8st 6 am (PST).

I’ll post 5,6,7 and 8 later.

5 &6 will be due on February 17th 6 am (PST).

7 & 8 will be due on February 22th 6 am (PST).

Assignment 1.

Journal exercises are all about reflective thinking. Not sure what that means? Well, reflection is a form of personal response to experiences, situations, events or new information. Think of it as a ‘processing’ phase where thinking and learning take place. College is pretty much a reflection period because you’re being exposed to new content.

In these assignments you select a prompt and respond. Each of these allows you to focus on a specific idea or example of art and then write your thoughts and reactions – essentially a reflection. Why do this? So you can see how your personal ideals and values influence the way you respond to art – which is the focus of this course.

Choose one of the following prompts:

#1: Objective Description & Subjective Analysis
Using the textbook, find two works of art: the first one two-dimensional, the second three-dimensional. For each one, write four sentences describing the elements present in the work. Try to describe what you see in a totally objective way. Do this by not referring to any subject matter. The goal is to be objective in your descriptions. Need an example?

“The work uses a majority of organic shapes.”
“The work uses the complimentary colors yellow and violet for contrast”.

Then, for each work, write one sentence that describes your subjective reaction. Need another example?

“The artwork has a chaotic feeling to it.”
“Looking at the work made me feel lonely”

#2: Defining the Elements
Looking at art helps us to understand STYLE, the aesthetic values or physical techniques used in making art, and FORM, the way a work of art looks. We can look at art we may know nothing about and still appreciate it, even before we understand the symbols and meaning behind the work. All art contains one or more of the seven elements of art: line, color, shape, form, value, space, and texture. These are the basic building blocks of making art.

Using the textbook, find a work of art to study and consider how the elements of art are present. Describe what you see. Write a short sentence for each of the elements. If you do not see that element, say “none present”. Do not refer to the subject matter, your perceived meaning of the work, the artist, or anything that is not visible in the work itself. This is more challenging than you might think!

The Task:

  1. Identify which prompt you selected. (5 points)
  2. Compose a written response to the prompt. Be thorough and address each point or question in the selection. You can choose to do this as an essay or use a question/answer format. (15 points)
  3. Your response must be at least 150 words. (5 points)

Assignment 2.

Content curation is the gathering, organizing and online presentation of content related to a particular theme or topic. In these exercises, the class will be curating a collection of related materials by selecting content to share. The collection will be built around ideas drawn from the curriculum.

Your goal is to explore how the work of key art movements such as Expressionism, Dada, or Surrealism are used to influence viewers. In order to demonstrate your understanding, locate a specific example from contemporary advertising (magazines, television, etc.) in which the influence of surrealism (or one of the other key art movements) is apparent.

First, make sure you understand the terms by visiting this website (Links to an external site.).

Here is an example:

This is a fun advertisement that plays on surrealistic art style by bringing an inanimate objects such as a sneaker to life. Massively out of scale to the real-life object, the sneaker takes on gestural abilities, using a shoelace like an arm to reach out to a skate-boarder. I can’t decide if the skateboarder is taken aback by this interaction or is stunned by the gigantic shoe. Either way, it’s an interesting advertising ploy and the connection between product and potential client is identified. (Source (Links to an external site.))

The Task:

1. Post the image AND the URL so others can view them – try not to duplicate each other. Write a paragraph or two explaining the connection between art and advertising goals. (20 points)
3. Your post should be a minimum of 250+ words and you should cite resources used. (5 points)

4. Leave substantive* comments on THREE (3) other student posts – select ones who wrote about different examples than you selected. Use this as an opportunity to learn what they have to share. Each comment should be a minimum of 75+ words. (5 points each)Choose one of the following prompts:

Assignment 3.

Choose one of the following prompts:

#1: Style, Form & Context
Style in art is linked to different philosophical ideas about the world, humanity, the artist, and the meaning of imagery. Using the Timeline of Art History (Links to an external site.) and Art History Timeline (Links to an external site.) you can view a wide range of art from many cultures. Look for works that seem to exhibit the following ideas, and state why you think that is the case. Include a link to the image that you are discussing.

Link a work of art that is a representation of a human but not a specific or recognizable person.
Link a work of art that is about a specific time or place.
Link a work of art that is an image of a god, ruler or king or queen.
Link a work of art that is about the artist and their view of the world.
Link a work of art that is not a picture of things in the world.

#2: Everyone’s a Critic!
Using the textbook, select an artwork and interpret its meaning in the context of one of these six critical perspectives: structural, feminist, ideological, deconstructive, formalist, and psychoanalytic.

Work to uncover the meaning in the image you choose, then explain how your particular critical perspective supports your interpretation. This assignment will take some focus and structure. Review the major ideas behind your critical perspective first; then search for an image that you think fits the critical test. From there you can begin your explanations.

The Task:

  1. Identify which prompt you selected. (5 points)
  2. Compose a written response to the prompt. Be thorough and address each point or question in the selection. You can choose to do this as an essay or use a question/answer format. (15 points)
  3. Your response must be at least 150 words. (5 points)

Assignment 4.

Content curation is the gathering, organizing and online presentation of content related to a particular theme or topic. In these exercises, the class will be curating a collection of related materials by selecting content to share. The collection will be built around ideas drawn from the curriculum.

Placing works of art in historical, social, personal, political, or scientific contexts means having a grasp of what mattered to people in the time the work was created. It is easy to look back into the past and recognize how our values have changed.

Your goal in this exercise is to locate a current example of a billboard, a photograph, or a poster that clearly conveys a social message. Visit this website to learn more about social realism (Links to an external site.). Review the concepts and be prepared to explain how your selected image connects social concerns with artistic presentation.

Here is an example:

I thought this poster made a strong connection between the use of an image that most viewers would recognize as being familiar but the context is enhanced by the written messages. The repetition of each sentence with the ending omitted becomes more powerful as you progress to the end until not only is a conclusion reached but a self-determination of change. This takes the viewer from being a passive participant to embracing the idea that every person makes a difference. You can too. (Source) (Links to an external site.)

The Task:

1. Post the image AND the URL so others can view them – try not to duplicate each other. Write a paragraph or two explaining the connection between art and the subject depicted. (20 points)
3. Your post should be a minimum of 250+ words and you should cite resources used. (5 points)

4. Leave substantive* comments on THREE (3) other student posts – select ones who wrote about different examples than you selected. Use this as an opportunity to learn what they have to share. Each comment should be a minimum of 75+ words. (5 points each)

Humanities Homework Help

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