Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. EDDD 8010 Community Collaboration

Schools do not exist in isolation. They require the assistance of an entire community to bridge gaps and to develop a process for educating and supporting youth. Community collaboration is an effective approach to make a difference in the learning experiences of students. It can increase student retention, improve grades, increase students’ feeling of worth, just to name a few. As a leader in education, your engagement in community collaboration is not only important, it is critical. Think about how you would engage members of a community to work for the betterment of students.

to prepare for this assignment go to this a short video and assume the role of an administrator in the media (I usually chose Dr. Fuller the superintendent). Consider how you would ensure effective community collaboration.

  • Identify the members of the community.
  • Explain why you selected those individuals.
  • Explain the goal of your task in this committee and what your projected outcome is.
  • Describe the resources you would use and how you would create buy-in for participation, and explain why the resources are important in your program.
  • Explain in what creative ways you would collaborate to provide students an effective learning experience about work and post-secondary education.
  • Apply your personal, moral, and ethical platform to foster and enhance community collaboration.
  • Evaluate community collaboration as a tool and social change agent for schools.

Humanities Homework Help

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