Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. HIST 2773 Arkansas State University The United States Since 1876 Questions

I pot all the stuff that you need to complete the homework with the textbook PDF and the questions too

Discussion Guidelines (These will be the same for all discussions)

1) Make your initial post. You will not be able to see the post of others until you make yours.

2) Respond to at least two posts by your classmates. Responses should be:

a) addressed to the person who made the post

b) more than just “I really liked your post.” Point out what you liked, agreed with, disagreed with, or how the post made you think about your own views. Explain WHY.

c) check back frequently and respond to any questions that may be directed to you.

3) Always be respectful. If you disagree with something posted, disagree with respect.

4) No foul language.

Humanities Homework Help

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