Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. study how you can study someone else

Below you hear from Pat’s boss, best friend, medical doctor and her mother. As you read how each person describes Pat, begin to hypothesize how you think Pat interacts socially. Also, consider how you can study someone like Pat in an ethical manner.

Pat’s boss: Pat is somewhat of a laidback worker. She does not seem to take her work seriously. She is late getting to work sometimes, and she takes long breaks to smoke and to be alone.

Pat’s best friend: Pat has had a rough life. She suffers from a lot of emotional stuff.  She is a good person, though. She just has it tough. I have had a rough life, so I know a little of what she’s going through.

Pat’s medical doctor: Pat has always done better in groups. When she was in the hospital, she seemed to be able to complete tasks better, and she seemed to be able to make better decisions for herself. I think this was, in part, because she had other people around her who could encourage her. 

Pat’s mom: I wish she would stop smoking. She used to tell me she wanted to stop smoking. She must have tried a million times. She just never could do it.  After a while, she started saying that she did not want to stop smoking because “I’m going to die anyway. I like smoking. It calms me down, and we are all going to die someday.”

 a paper of 2–3 pages in which you apply the research area you selected to Pat’s case study. Be specific and use examples from the case study to support your answer.

Humanities Homework Help

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