Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Final Project

For this assignment you are required to create a work of art that provides some form of social

commentary, or critique of society. You may pull from a list of topics and themes that we have

discussed in class, such as Apollonian/Dionysian concepts, class, race, gender, existentialism,

etc., or from another Humanistic theme as long as you have it approved by me beforehand.

Along with your artwork, you are required to write a brief essay (at least three pages) describing

your work, its content, subtext, meaning, cultural significance as well as why you chose the

form, style, and/or convention that you did. The aim of this assignment is to identify, create, and

explain humanistic themes and their relationship to current events.

Grading Criteria/Rubric: 20 Points; 20% of your final grade

Humanities Homework Help

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