Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ​​The research proposal assignment is designed to allow you to demonstrate your knowledge of social psychological theory and research.

The research proposal assignment is designed to allow you to demonstrate your knowledge of social psychological theory and research. You will choose a social issue or concept of interest to you and review the relevant social psychological theories. You will identify a research question based on a gap in the literature, and propose two different studies to answer your research question, comparing and contrasting two different methodologies. While there is no length requirement, as the length should be determined by the amount of space needed to explain your ideas, successful assignments will likely be between 4 and 5 pages in length

The hardest part of this assignment is identifying a gap in the literature and a research question. To get you started on identifying sources and a research question, I recommend starting with a review article. These articles cover review the work being done on a particular topic or subfield and will help you identify a gap in the literature. The Annual Review of Sociology is a good source.

Please see this file for an example: Final Paper Example.pdf

Note that the paper is significantly longer than yours should be for this class, because it’s from an earlier class with a different length requirement. However, it shows you an example of the intention and structure of this paper.

Humanities Homework Help

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