Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Psychology questions


LECTURE RESPONSE 03/02. Write a paragraph about the lecture.

2.After you watch the video, complete the assignment according to directions below.

When completing the video forum, you may choose any three (3) important/interesting topics found in the videos. Write a substantial paragraph about each item. (Review syllabus) Do not simply repeat what the actors stated. Instead, write what you conceptualized about each item. Your discussion of each topic must be substantive. One to three liners will not garner full credit.

This is a higher education institution. Therefore, it is a given that all writings must be grammatically correct. Points will be deducted for errors. Please proofread work and/or submit it to Microsoft Word grammar/spell check before submitting.


  1. Name one value that is important to you. How did you learn that value?
  2. In your opinion, has the internet increased or reduced global cultural diversity?
  3. Imagine a social psychologist who researches the culture of extremely poor people, such as so-called “rag pickers,” who sort through trash for food or for items to sell. What ethical challenges can you identify in this type of study?

When completing this forum, be sure to answer each item substantively.


  • Appreciate culture as an evolutionary adaptation common to all humans.
  • Understand cultural processes as variable patterns rather than as fixed scripts.
  • Understand the difference between cultural and cross-cultural research methods.
  • Appreciate cultural awareness as a source of personal well-being, social responsibility, and social harmony.
  • Explain the difference between individualism and collectivism.
  • Define “self-construal” and provide a real life example.

  • After you read the Week’s Reading, complete this forum:
  • When completing the forums, you may choose any four (4) important/interesting topics found in the chapter to address. Please number each item (#1, #2, etc.). Write a substantial paragraph about each item. Do not simply repeat what the authors stated. (Remember, I use Turnitin). Instead, write what you conceptualized about each item. Your discussion of each topic must be substantive. Small responses receive small points. (See syllab

  • Write four paragraphs from topics from the bullet points.

Humanities Homework Help

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