Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. American Literature Class – Argumentative Research Essay about "The Grapes of Wrath book"

Argumentative Research Essay:

The book is “The Grapes of Wrath”

For this assignment, the student will create an original argumentative essay about the book that they have selected and read.

Purpose: To prove that the book is an important piece of American Literature by explaining its greater purpose in American society as an agent of change or greater understanding

Questions to help you arrive at a thesis:

1- What was one thing that really stood out to me about the novel?

2- What was the point the author was trying to make?

3- Does this point help to understand the concerns of a particular group of people at the time?

4- Who (what group of people) did the author want me to understand? (Think protagonist as symbolic )

5- wngWhat did the author want me to see as a problem that I might not have ever considered before?

Length: Paper 6 to 10 pages


Sources:At least 5 scholarly sources in addition to the book are required.

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