Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. HIST340 History Of Africa (Annotated Bibliography)

Annotated Bibliography -an annotated bibliography is a series of alphabetical references/citations to books, articles, and documents.

Each reference/citation is followed by a 150 words descriptive summary with an evaluative paragraph about the reference.

Annotations are descriptive, and summarizing the authors’ qualifications, research sources, and arguments. Annotations can evaluate the quality of sources for validity in the history discussed in a book or article. A student of History should always consider the logic of authors’ arguments, and the quality of their evidence. The summary can be positive, negative, or mixed about the findings. In addition you want to explain why the source is relevant to your assignment. The reason for the annotation is to explain the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources to be used in the paper.

Using the ethnic group you were approved for the research proposal assignment –your annotated bibliography will use the five references in your approved proposal plus an additional 5 references to describe the topic for your research paper. TEN outside sources on the ethnic group must be present in this assignment in full reference format with at least 150 word descriptive summary of the book or source mentioned in the reference.

No encyclopedias or Wikipedia references or sources allowed in your bibliography.

Due to space constraints of 150 words you will need to be very selective in the information you present.

Remember your final paper should be 12 pages in length, but double-spaced, using 12 point font, try to go beyond the 10 sources for this assignment.

A site to help you:

The Chicago Manual of Style states the following formatting rules for an annotated bibliography. Check your assignment description in case your instructor has other instructions.

  • The text should be double-spaced.
  • Numbering starts on the first page of writing (not the title page), at the top right of the page.
  • Reference list entries must have a hanging indent (to do this in Microsoft Word 2003, select Format, then Paragraph, then Special, and choose Hanging).
  • There should be 1 inch (2.54 cm) margins all around (top, bottom, left, and right) on each page.
  • Use Times Roman font,
  • Each paragraph should be indented using the tab key.

Humanities Homework Help

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