Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. narrative essay- an experience that taught you an important lesson

The narrative essay is an essay about “me”. Think of one event or experience in your life that changed the way you think or act. It should have been a life-changing moment that affected you in a deliberate and important way. The essay should focus on ONE experience in your life, not your entire life; do not submit an autobiography.

(I chose an experience that taught me an important lesson) Must be something another individual such as myself could relate to

The paper must be at least 3 pages and not exceed more than 5. Punctuation must be used and used correctly. Paper must be in MLA format the first line of each paragraph should be indented. Be sure to remove any extra space between paragraphs or lines in the header, No extra space between the title and the first paragraph of my paper. This can be accomplished by going to the “Paragraph” window and making sure it looks like this: Spacing [Symbol] After: [Symbol] 0 pt. It probably defaults at 8 pt or 10 pt, depending on which version of Word you are using. Always make sure it is set at 0 pt. When you are ready to begin a new paragraph, make sure the first line is indented by half an inch. Notice there is no extra space between my two paragraphs. There should be no extra space between yours, either. If you don’t know how to accomplish this, read the directions above again.

Humanities Homework Help

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