Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. War Crime and Peace: Impact of ancient Indianisation on modern times in SEA. Cultural traits and Soft Skills


APA Format; minimum 1000 and maximum 1,500words. Times New Roman; 12px; Essay Format. Proper Referencing

minimum of 10 references from

Please read the question

Southeast Asia was heavily influenced by Indian culture in ancient times and the term ‘Indianisation’ was coined to reflect the impact Indians had on the region.

In recent years, another form of Indianisation has been taking place, this time, in the C-suites of S&P 500 companies. Appraise this phenomenon at the top corporations and show the impact of ancient Indianisation on modern times in Southeast Asia. Your answer should focus on cultural traits and soft skills.

-acknowledge the criticism of your own arguments

-provide evidence on why it is still better than the opposing view

-Give sufficient consideration to the opposing view before destroying it with facts

Focus on Cultural Traits and soft skills

Include Introduction



Humanities Homework Help

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