Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. What factors contributed to the decline and eventual fall of Rome?

of the 4 Questions: I am looking for 3 to 4 paragraphs for each question. Times New Roman 12 point font,

worksite your sources.

What factors
contributed to the decline and eventual fall of Rome?

With the collapse
of the Carolingian Empire after the Treaty of Verdun, Europe became an easy
target for foreign invasions. Describe the various assaults on Western Europe.
What impact did the barbarian invasions have on medieval Europe?

Compare the functions and status
of the nobility and clergy in medieval society. Were the two comparable?

What social and economic
effects did the Crusades have on Western civilization?

the course uses book:The Western Heritage, Vol. 1, 11th Edition, Kagan, Ozment, and I don’t have access to it online

Humanities Homework Help

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