Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Assignment 2: Physical Ability Tests

All work must be done in a timely fashion. Each assignment should be labeled One, Two, and Three. Do good also get a tip.


Discussion One

Mark Jones, a Production Manager, has been transferred from the manufacturing plant in his hometown of Chicago to his company’s overseas manufacturing plant in Osaka, Japan.

You are the company’s I-O psychologist. Using Hofstede’s Five Basic Elements of Culture Distinction, write an e-mail message to the Vice President (VP) of Production discussing at least three cultural differences that Mark will experience in managing front-line plant workers in Japan in contrast to in the United States. Also address how cultural differences may play a role in individual differences Mark will experience. 

Your e-mail message should also include at least three recommendations on how managers can take up overseas tasks with minimum transition problems. State the rationale for your recommendations.

One page Apa.



Discussion two

What five personality traits between people does differential psychology focus on identifying? Is it important for managers to understand their employees’ differences? Why or why not? Explain your viewpoint by giving a minimum of two specific examples.

Leslie Snow manages a team of five help desk operators. The cubicles of the operators are located a floor below Leslie’s office. Each operator is required to log help desk calls into a team database. This database tracks the nature of a problem, the length of the call, and whether the problem was fixed or sent to the engineering department for further investigation.

Leslie has a busy schedule, and it is not possible for her to monitor the performance of her team members sitting on a different floor. Therefore she decides to assess their performance solely on the basis of reports queried from the database.

Based on what you have learned about criterion deficiency and contamination, analyze Leslie’s performance measurement strategy. Suggest three ways for better performance measurement for Leslie’s help desk team. 

Answer all questions, no set pages or word.


$15  Assignment 2: Physical Ability Tests 

Assignment Three

Select a job that requires a moderate level of physical ability, such as security staff, office delivery personnel, door-to-door salespersons, retail salesperson, or nurses at hospitals and conduct an interview to determine their level of physical activity. Create a list of 8-10 interview questions and conduct an interview to determine their level of physical activity.  Based on your interview, create a physical ability test plan for this job.  While it is important you develop a list of questions based on your reading of the individual assessment some of the questions you may want to include for the interview include:

  • Prior to being hired were you asked to take any physical ability tests?
  • What do you perceive to be the physical demands of your job?
  • On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 meaning very physically demanding and 1 meaning not at all physically demanding, how physically demanding would you say your job is?
  • Are there physical demands you were unaware of prior to accepting your position?
  • Do you believe physical ability tests should be given to individuals being considered for your type of work?  if yes, what types of physical tests would you recommend?

Create a detailed physical ability test plan for this position. Use the template provided. The plan must include a minimum of five physical ability tests. Please describe each test in detail, and indicate how the tests will be administered and evaluated. Make sure you also include the interview questions you asked. 

template AU_BUS423_TemplateExampleofaPhysicalAbilityTest.pdf 

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