Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. English homework

In many of the readings , the authors have been interested in civil society not so much for its contributions to society (e.g., building support for a cause like environmental awareness, raising money for schools), but rather for its role in building social capital within a society. For this paper, choose an example of civil society as a case to study.(Qatar foundation) which is an educational organization.

Using stasis theory (attached) (the screenshots) as a starting point, address a problem related to the creation of social capital in your case.

    • Existence: If there are people who say your case is not an example of civil society, why do you say it is? Or vice versa? (cf. Popa et al., 2016)
    • Definition: How does your case illustrate the need for a taxonomy or distinctions in the way that organizations create social capital? (cf. Roginsky and Shortall, 2009; Härdig, 2015)
    • Value: What role does your case play in creating social capital? What makes that role more or less valuable? (cf. Putnam, 2001; Gengler et al., 2013, Poo, 2020)
    • Cause: Are there threats to that role such as technology or increased/decreased government support? (cf. Jezard, 2019, Popa et al. 2016; Härdig, 2015; Putnam, 2001; Gengler et al., 2013)
    • Action: Are there ways that the role could be enhanced? (cf. Chernaya & Lukina, 2012; Jezard, 2019; Poo, 2020; Naidoo, 2015)

You will need to convince your reader that the problem exists, analyze its facets and causes, and explore a response or solution. In the process of doing so, you should draw on at least 3 course readings.

Every paper will begin with an abstract. Abstracts are an important part of academic writing. Think of an abstract as a snapshot of an argument, a brief summary of an author’s main contribution. As part of the paper writing process, you’ll write an abstract to give your reader the gist of your argument, including your main claim and key evidence. Remember, our paper engages with a definitional debate over civil society. You should ‘snapshot’ the definitional debate, identify the definition you have crafted, as well as your reasoning/evidence.

The point of this abstract is to express your paper’s argument in brief. I should know your argument based on this abstract. Sometimes students worry that they should keep the main takeaway of the paper hidden from the reader in the abstract; however, your abstract should capture the main points for quick reference.

Your abstract should be a short paragraph of about 6-7 sentences, 150-200 words.


1. Abstract (see above)

2. An introduction that introduces and summarizes your argument.

    • Your introduction should introduce your case and the problem as it relates to social capital. You should use the appropriate term(s) of stases. The introduction should state, clearly and succinctly, the main points of your argument: your main claim or thesis and a preview of the key points that you will elaborate in the body paragraphs.
    • The best introductions are drafted with care in the beginning but crafted in the end, when your argument is complete. Be ready to revise.

3. Body paragraphs that develop your argument about how to define civil society in relation to our authors’ perspectives.

    • Remember that you must use textual evidence (paraphrased or quoted) to support any claims about what our authors say (rather than only your impression of what they are saying).
    • Your body paragraphs should be organized around specific claims that support or explore your interpretation, normally appearing at the beginning of the paragraph. We will call these claims “topic sentences.”
    • There is no pre-determined structure for your paper body. It is most important that you strategically decide what sequence of claims and evidence will best explain your case argument and persuade your audience of the problem and your response. Secondly, you need to make sure your introduction previews this sequence accurately.

4. A conclusion that helps you reiterate your argument and reflect on its significance, as well as perhaps offer a pathway forward for yourself or your readers.


Your response should be a 5-6 page academic-style paper using paragraphs, grammatically correct sentences, and vocabulary appropriate for discussions that require precision and concision. Your abstract is counted in the 5-6 pages.

The paper should be double-spaced with 12-pt font and 1-inch margins, as specified in the APA . Be sure to include a “References” list at the end of the paper.


Popa et al., 2016(attached)

Roginsky and Shortall, 2009 (attached)

Härdig, 2015 (attached)

Putnam, 2001 (attached)

Poo, 2020 (attached)

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