Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. phi103 week 2 discussion 1 RESPONSE f.w.

Read the argument presented by your classmate, and analyze the reasoning that they have presented. In particular, if you believe that their argument is invalid, explain a way in which it would be possible for the premises to be true and the conclusion false. If you believe that their argument has a false premise, explain why a reasonable person might take it to be false. Finally, see if you can help them to improve their argument. How can they alter their premises so that all of them are true? What might they change in order to make their argument valid? 5 sentences.

Argument: Does social media enhance or hinder interpersonal communication?

Premise 1: Social media fundamentally exists in order to enhance interpersonal relationships.

Premise 2: Social media focuses on turning virtual relationships into relationships in the real world.

Premise 3: The scope of social media is to connect families and friends no matter the distance between them.

Conclusion: Social media enhances interpersonal relationships by keeping users connected to those who mean the most to them.

The conclusion is valid because it does support all three premises which are true. “It is now possible to keep in touch with friends and family, no matter how far one moves away from them; and especially through Facebook (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., it is also possible to find long lost persons from one’s own past in an extremely easy and straightforward way. These can be understood as real gains for the sustenance of interpersonal relationships (Ultius, 2015)”. It further enhance relationships through “bringing people together who may have otherwise not even been aware of each others’ existences (Ultius, 2015)”.

Strengths: The argument shows that social media has positive aspects for creating and/or nurturing social contact with family and friends.

Weaknesses: There is very little reliable research to validate these premises.


Humanities Homework Help

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