Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. philosophy 103 week 2

Read the argument presented by your classmate, and analyze the reasoning that they have presented. In particular, if you believe that their argument is invalid, explain a way in which it would be possible for the premises to be true and the conclusion false. If you believe that their argument has a false premise, explain why a reasonable person might take it to be false. Finally, see if you can help them to improve their argument. How can they alter their premises so that all of them are true? What might they change in order to make their argument valid? 5 sentences.

Argument: Should athletes be allowed to use performance-enhancing drugs (such as steroids or EPO) or techniques (such as blood doping or oxygen tanks)?

Premise 1: Performance-enhancing drugs have very advantageous effects for an athletic person’s body such as muscle growth and fat reduction.

Premise 2: All people including athletes have the right to make their own health and life decisions as to what is best for them.

Conclusion: Athletes should be allowed to use performance-enhancing drugs.

The argument is valid because the conclusion is supported well by the two premises. Both premises are generally agreed to be found accurate and true. The first premise does however possess negative attributes to a persons’ well-being as well such as skin acne for instance.

Humanities Homework Help

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