Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Digital Peer Interactions Affect Risk Taking in Young Adults, psychology homework help

Must be original and plagiarism free, please use the article included (please in-text cite it appropriately in APA) Must have in-text citations and if any others resources are used, they need to be ones that I can look up online for FREE!!! No title page required. Must be 300+ words.

Provide a brief summary of the article you located in the library for this unit’s Reading. Be sure to include the full reference information so other students can read the article. Describe a scenario within your concentration (my concentration is addiction) in which the concepts in the article might assist you in understanding or enhancing interpersonal communication.

Reference citation of the article attached:

MacLean, R. R., Geier, C. F., Henry, S. L., & Wilson, S. J. (2014). Digital Peer Interactions Affect Risk Taking in Young Adults. Journal of Research on Adolescence (Wiley-Blackwell), 24(4), 772-780. Retrieved from

Humanities Homework Help

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