Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Need assistance with Case Scenario and (NOHS) Ethical Standards, psychology homework help

For this assignment you will be reading a case scenario and responding to some questions related to the impact of the environment on behavior and choices, the impact of the client-human services professional relationship, and how identifying potential ethical issues and the National Organization for Human Services (NOHS) Ethical Standards can help guide you in working with clients.

After reading the case study and NOHS Ethical Standards (both are attached below) , reflect on the situation Gary finds himself in, his environment, and possible ethical considerations in the case and that the worker may need to consider as part of a ethical approach to the client and his family. In your own words ~ Answer the following: (Effective and Efficient is what I’m looking for). Brief paragraphs – but packed with enough information to cover the question effectively. The paper should not be over 3 pages long.

  • Discuss how Gary’s environment has influenced his behavior and decision-making during his adolescence.
  • Discuss how working with a Human Service Professional (HSP) in a reciprocal relationship may help Gary change his behavior and decision-making to address his current life challenges.
  • Considering the case study details and the NOHS Ethical Standards, identify one ethical concern you would have when working with Gary and/or his family. Provide one NOHS Ethical Standard that you believe would be important to apply in this case to ensure this ethical issue is addressed within the client and HSP relationship. Refer to the specific NOHS Ethical Standard in your response.
  • Discuss one specific way using ethical standards impacts the behavior of a HSP when working with clients such as Gary.
  • Provide the name and contact information for one human service agency you believe a HSP could refer Gary to in order to provide assistance with his current issues. Explain how you believe this agency could specifically assist Gary.
  • Considering your responses to the assignment questions, explain how Gary’s case outcome might change from the ending offered in the case study epilogue. Discuss how familiarity with ethical standards and available resources strengthened the relationship between the Human Service Professional and Gary in your response.

Humanities Homework Help

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