Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Job accomodations

You are a job coach helping disabled people get employment, and work on jobs.for this assignment follow the instructions answer the questions document attached

for this assignment Name 8 job accommodations and explain why they might be used (make your examples specific to an individual for whom they might be necessary). How might these accommodations benefit the employer? answer all questions listed below and use the document attached along with any other resources to help answer these questions.

The Job Accomodations are listed Below use these Accomodations

It is important to understand how a job accommodation can assist the consumer’s ability to work.
Too often people with significant disabilities are screened out of employment because the
consumer or the job coach/employment specialist could not envision the right accommodation or
support. Job accommodations can include any of the following:
Change of work schedule
Job sharing
Change in work responsibilities
Change in work materials, tools or equipment
Assistive technology
Work site modifications
Job carving
Job coaching services

1.Name 8 job accommodations listed above

2. Explain why each accomodation might be used (make your examples specific to each individual for whom they might be necessary).

3. How might these accommodations benefit the employer?

Humanities Homework Help

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