Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Your boss, Zelma Silverman, director of Human Resources

You are essentially changing the bulk of the content in the sample proposal (file below) to fit your specific topic (topic below). You might keep some of the general language, as well as the format, but the content will change.

Topic 4 Scenario

The members of your team are the co-directors of training in the Human Resources department of SunBright, Inc., a technology firm in Rockville, Maryland. Your boss, Zelma Silverman, director of Human Resources, is concerned that so many of the firm’s 2000 white-collar employees use their computers for hours each day but still do not know how to touch-keyboard. He believes the hunt-and-peck method is inefficient and increases the possibility of making errors when inputting data, thus lowering reliability.

Ms. Finkelstein has asked your team to recommend a software program that teaches the user how to type. She requires a program that is Windows (PC)-compatible, is geared to adults, is educationally sound, and can be learned on an individual basis without an instructor being present.

Humanities Homework Help

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