Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. music teaching and learning, pedagogy and practice 5000 words

which is 5000 words critical thinking and writing on music teaching and learning, pedagogy and practice, which is 5000 words project. but need to finish it within 20 days for the first draft. if you have subject related writer , could you let them review the requirement pls which attach below..

1. Students may choose one or more of the high quality international video observations provided below. These are from the 2011-2018 International Comparison of Music Lessons on Video Project, led by Professor Christopher Wallbaum of the University of Music and Theatre, Leipzig. Each video observation is supplied with multiangle video recordings, full transcripts, interviews with teachers and learners, copies of resources etc. This is the recommended source of videos for the majority of students and you should review those available carefully before finalising your choices.

2. Students can propose the use of one or more self-selected videos of a suitable lesson/activity (up to a total of three videos for the assignment as a whole). Such proposals should be made to the module leader via the form below. Each video should be proposed on a separate form. Proposals should include clear and complete answers to all of the following questions. The module leader will then check the information provided and advise the student whether they can proceed, or whether they should choose an alternative source. You should not assume that you can use the video(s) you are proposing until the module leader confirms this, so please get in touch with the module leader three working days after you have submitted the form if you have not heard back from them.

It is possible for a student to combine videos from these two sources up to a maximum of three for the assignment as a whole.

Humanities Homework Help

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