Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Literature Discussion Question

It needs to be 300 words as a total

Part I: Name one surprising fact you discovered about any of this week’s authors. Why did it surprise you?

Part II:  Most of the works this week were somewhat specific in terms of location. How might the perspective have changed if the events were placed in a another location? For instance, lynchings took place in the North, as well as the South. What is the significance of placing “Song for a Dark Girl” in the South? How would the impact have changed without that information? That is only one example. 

Part III: Although the focus of the week was race and ethnicity, Morrison, Hurston, and Walker present strong female characters. What characteristics do these stories imply are desirable? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of any one of these characters. Use examples from the text to support your argument.

Humanities Homework Help

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