Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Paraphrasing Sources Guidelines for Incorporating Quotes, assignment help

Read Chapters 2 and 4 in the textbook.Explore the AWC In-Text Citation HelperReview the Ashford Writing Center (AWC) articles on Good Paragraph Development: As Easy as P.I.E.Essay structureGuidelines for Paraphrasing SourcesGuidelines for Incorporating QuotesReview the grading rubric for this discussion. Reflect: Before drafting your initial post, take time to reflect on one of the paragraphs in your paper. Does your topic sentence in that paragraph support your thesis statement? Is the claim in your topic sentence fully developed in the rest of the body paragraph? Think about your topic sentence’s claim and how you will add credibility to your writing. Write (due Thursday, Day 3): In 200 to 300 words, share a rough draft of one of your paper’s body paragraphs. Your paragraph must include a topic sentence, one direct quote, and one paraphrased passage. Integrate both of these elements into your paragraph using proper APA in-text citations. Below your body paragraph, provide the original text that you are paraphrasing and label it clearly as “Original Source Text.” Include an APA-formatted reference list for the sources noted in the body of your paragraph.In a separate paragraph,Explain how your topic sentence supports your thesis statement.Explain how the quoted and paraphrased material supports your claims and/or adds credibility to your writing.Please review the Week Two Discussion 2 Initial Post Template before writing your response

Humanities Homework Help

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