Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Final winn-dixi redeviopment project

Please include about 12 slides and make a 4 minute or less PowerPoint Presentation as follows:

1. Cover Sheet. Picture, project name, your name, city and state

2. Location Map (aerial). Subject property in relation to major roadways or other landmarks.

3. Site Map (aerial). Bold red-line around subject property showing adjacent properties.

4. Before picture. Ugly.

5. After picture. Beautiful.

6. Current and Proposed Comp Plan and Zoning. What land use entitlements do you need changed?

7. Proposed Site Plan. Show your redevelopment plan for the mixed-use project. List the uses.

8. Planning Rationale. Why is your mixed-use project good?

9. Consistency, Compliance and Compatibility. Your mixed-use project meets these planning and design standards.

10. Picture.

11. Picture.

12. Money Shot. Best picture.


Humanities Homework Help

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