Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. 4pgs long passage analysis

Please write a 4 pages long Passage Analysis.

The passage is a short one from the bible, which I’ve attached and noted from where to where in the doc”Assignment Instruction”, so please read this first.

And you need to really look through the doc “Paper Guidelines”. This is very important because it contains all the details about the assignment. You are not writing any research topics or outside ideas about the passage, you only need to write what YOU think and learn from the text. What is the context about and how the LANGUAGE shows the writer’s idea. You need to analysis Verse by Verse.

There is a PPT that is the sample and the detailed guidelines from my instructor, which really helps you understand what to write. Please write AFTER you read this PPT. It contains the instruction of how to analysis and what the professor wants from this assignment.

No ideas from outside sources allowed. That means you don’t need to search anything online, just write down what do you think. No works cited page needed.

PLEASE PLEASE start your writing after read through all the guidelines and samples.

I expect a qualified work!

Humanities Homework Help

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