Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Source Analysis

Use the below information and the attached Rubric to write a 1-2 page source analysis:

What is the significance of Jamestown, Virginia in American history?

Horn, J. (2011). The Founding of English America: Jamestown. OAH Magazine of History, 25(1), 25.

What topic would you like to explore in your field of study? For this assignment, conduct some preliminary research to determine a topic relevant to your field that you will use for your final project. For instance, if you are a psychology major, you might want to look for the key leadership traits that promote positive culture and productivity in the workplace. Using preliminary research, you could start to narrow down your topic and eventually form a thesis.

Find a minimum of three reliable sources and evaluate them for potential topics. At least one of these resources should be scholarly in nature and include research questions, methodology, results, and conclusions related to your topic of interest. This scholarly resource must be retrieved from the Shapiro Library. It will be revisited for further analysis in Module Seven and will play an integral role in your final research topic proposal that you will submit in Module Nine. Return to the Google Like a Librarian and Evaluating Websites links for more information on how to select the best online “authorities” for research.

It is important to know that you will review a number of sources before finding the right one for your topic. In this case, you will review three and then choose the best one. You will do this again in a later module to find another source to support your topic.

In your introduction, describe the topic selected for the analysis. What is the problem or issue that has generated research in this area? Why is it important or problematic? Who does it affect and how? Also, explain how the specific topic you selected is relevant to your chosen field of study. How does research into the topic benefit the discipline, profession, or society?

Then, for your body paragraphs, consider the following:

Writing and Format: How did the writing in each resource reflect professionalism in your discipline? Did the resources employ the same format for disseminating information, or did they differ in their approaches? Did any particular style stand out to you?  Questions: What are the major questions the authors pose? How do they reflect your field of study? Why is it important that these questions be investigated and, with further study, answered?  Research: What type of research is used (i.e., quantitative or qualitative)? Does the research adequately address the questions under investigation? Does the research lead you to answers or more questions?

In your conclusion, assess which resource you believe to be the strongest, and explain why you have made this choice (e.g., did the resource use research methods that were more appropriate to the discipline?).

Like all writing assignments in this course, this is another opportunity for you to practice professional academic writing. If you are unsure about how to approach particular aspects of your writing (syntax, cohesion, structure, etc.), contact your instructor for more support.

This assignment will be graded using the rubric below.

Humanities Homework Help

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