Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. English literature


In “Constantly Risking Absurdity,” who or what is perched on the highest level?

  1. truth
  2. Beauty
  3. the poet

True or False: Flannery O’Connor is the author of the quote “He started to shout, Remember, you said five
minutes! But one of Roy’s friends was looking up at the fire escape. John looked down at his schoolbook: he
became engrossed again in the problem of the locomotive.”

  1. True
  2. False

In “Out, Out–,” the buzz saw represents

  1. nature in its unspoiled state.
  2. uncontrollable technology.
  3. order, discipline, and hard work.

In Letter from Birmingham City Jail, why is King hopeful that his readers will agree with the need for
brotherhood and equality among people?

  1. They are all police officers.
  2. They are all lawyers.
  3. They are all clergymen.

What does the following passage from “The Life You Save May Be Your Own” reveal to the reader about the
old woman’s goals? “The old woman watched from a distance, secretly pleased. She was ravenous for a

  1. She wants Mr. Shiflet to marry her daughter.
  2. She plans to fall in love with Mr. Shiflet.
  3. She has only the best interests of her daughter in mind.

True or False: James Baldwin is the author of the quote “He was more depressed than ever as he drove on
by himself. The late afternoon had grown hot and sultry and the country had flattened out. Deep in the sky a
storm was preparing very slowly and without thunder as if it meant to drain every drop of air from the earth
before it broke. There were times when Mr. Shiftlet preferred not to be alone.”

  1. True
  2. False

____ 7.

The overall theme of “Frederick Douglass” is

  1. a hero leaves a legacy that lives on in others.
  2. heroes deserve statues, legends, and poems.
  3. freedom can be won only by politicians.

Who is the author of the quote “Laughing the stormy, husky, brawling laughter of Youth, half- / Naked,
sweating, proud to be a Hog Butcher, Tool Maker, / Stacker of Wheat, Player with Railroads and Freight
Handler / to the Nation”?

  1. Robert Frost [“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”]
  2. Carl Sandburg [“Chicago”]
  3. Flannery O’Connor [“The Life You Save May Be Your Own”]

True or False: A “hero’s quest” is an archetypal plot that features a hero who experiences no difficulty in
accomplishing a goal because of super-human cunning or strength.

  1. True
  2. False

In “Filling Station,” the “somebody” of the poem is a person who contributes what to the life of the filling

a. manual labor on a par with the father and sons
b. small touches of beauty and caring
c. cooking and cleaning and household errands

“. . . [H]is figure formed a crooked cross,” from “The Life You Save May Be Your Own,” contains which type
of literary device?

a. symbolism
b. apostrophe
c. simile

In Letter from Birmingham City Jail, what does King describe as the problem that he and the protesters have
been fighting against?

  1. justice
  2. segregation
  3. nonviolence

Identify the “I” in this passage from “Mirror:” “I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions.”

  1. poet
  2. lake
  3. mirror

True or False: The poem “One Art” is a villanelle, a highly structured poem consisting of nineteen lines, two
repeating end rhymes, and two refrains.

  1. True
  2. False

True or False: The “Beats” were a group of poets, authors, artists, and thinkers that developed in the 1980’s
and were generally opposed to conformity.

  1. True
  2. False

____ 8.

____ 9.

____ 10.

____ 11.

____ 12.

____ 13.

____ 14.

____ 15.

____ 16.

____ 17.

____ 18.

____ 19.

____ 20.

____ 21.

____ 22.

____ 23.

____ 24.

Brooks repeats the word “somewhere” in the first stanza of “The Explorer” as she describes the explorer’s
search for peace. This repetition suggests that the explorer’s search is

  1. successful.
  2. exciting.
  3. unfulfilled.

Why does Gabriel treat John more harshly than the other children in “The Rockpile”?

a. John is not his biological child.
b. John needs to be taught to be careful.
c. John disobeys more than the others.

At the beginning of “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall,” how does Granny react to Doctor Harry’s presence?

a. She treats him with great respect.
b. She refuses to acknowledge that she is not well.
c. She thinks he is too old to be a doctor.

Identify the figure of speech in this passage from “Courage:” “The child’s first step, / as awesome as an

  1. metaphor
  2. simile
  3. alliteration

What is the meaning of the story of the boy who drowned in “The Rockpile”?

  1. The boy had never liked the river.
  2. The river was a sinful place to go.
  3. The neighborhood is a place of danger.

A theme of “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” is the struggle between the attractions of

  1. duty and rest.
  2. town and country.
  3. the horse and the weather.

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