Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Putting Research Into Action

Length: The lengths of the two texts will vary, but the reflection should be around 700 words

Value: 100 points total which is 25% of your final grade

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Why are we doing this project?

During this module, you will have the opportunity to put your research into action! Using the topic and sources that you gathered for your “Source Social Network,”(attached ) you now have the opportunity to do something with that research. The goal here is to take what you have learned from the research about your topic and present your ideas publicly to a specific audience. You will now become part of the community that uses writing, rhetoric, and information to create change.

What is this project?
For the final project, you will submit two different types of texts, composed for two different audiences, for two different purposes. I will provide some options for audiences, purposes, and genres, but you will have the freedom to select the rhetorical situations that interest you the most and that you find most compelling given your topic and research. After you have composed these two texts, you will write a critical reflection detailing your experience of using research to write in two different rhetorical situations. To submit your final project (Text 1, Text 2, Reflection, and Works Cited), you will create a basic website to host and share your material on

For this “Project Plan,” you may select one item from each column for your two texts. For example, you might choose for Text 1 to compose an evaluative (purpose) vlog (genre) to students (audience) that reviews the best writing resources for multilingual students. Someone else might choose to write a persuasive (purpose) op-ed (genre) directed towards university faculty (audience) about the need for more inclusive language policies on campus.


After you have composed your two texts, you will write a detailed reflection in which you demonstrate critical thinking about your rhetorical choices. In other words, you will explain why you made certain choices for one text because of its purpose, audience, and genre, and why you made other different choices for your second text. The purpose of this reflection is to get you to actively think about your own choices as a writer and how these choices affect your audience.

Humanities Homework Help

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